Sunday, April 14, 2013

Veronica Mars movie nets $5.7 million from Kickstarter

So, yeah. That just happened. Over 91,000 people donated $5.7 million to the Kickstarter campaign to revitalize Veronica Mars in cinematic form. That's an average of about $62 a person just to see this movie get made, without any guarantee of quality. Of course, given that most tiers had some sort of way to see the movie at no additional cost once it's made, it's almost like people are preordering their tickets at extremely high costs.

As a fan of the show, I couldn't be happier to see this come to fruition, and this Kickstarter publicity will probably help to bump the box office up a bit. Although something tells me that number is going to be relatively low. Many of the people who donated might just end up waiting for their DVDs or digital copies to arrive instead of heading out to the theater. (As a backer, I'm still unsure as to whether I'll buy a ticket knowing I've already secured a Blu-Ray.) Plus, who knows how many theaters will end up showing the movie when it's all said and done. There's still a lot of variables still up in the air to ultimately gauge the long term success of this endeavor. At any rate, this is definitely a fascinating experiment and I look forward to seeing how this all plays out and definitely am interested in seeing how Rob Thomas wraps the whole Mars saga up after the disappointing ending to the third and final season back in 2007.


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